Project Introduction

This project involved a comprehensive brand overhaul and a complete redesign of the website for Homacer, a barn door and hardware brand. Over six months, extensive market and competitor research was conducted, leading to continuous optimizations. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies were also implemented, significantly contributing to the increase in sales. As a result, the brand's online sales revenue increased by 61%, total order volume rose by 26%, and the number of returning customers grew by 27%.

Data Source: Real-time Shopify Backend Data Statistics Report

Product Infographic Optimization

Simplified and grouped product categories and layouts based on user behavior and extensive consumer feedback, allowing users to quickly navigate and enhancing brand impact.

Enhancing User Engagement

Through interactive and captivating details, we enable customers to easily understand product structures. This approach aims to expand our B2C client base while conveying the brand's core strengths—easy installation and professional design.

Additional Details

By summarizing data from the FAQ and the customer service we provide multiple solutions for common issues.

Home Inspiration

Creating user empathy through real customer feedback and unique interior design ideas.

Official Website Blog


Snap-on- Lighting Solutions